Wild Niss: The Seasons

The dance group Villniss has created its own universe in the performance "The Seasons". The red shawls dance by themselves, the snow floats around in a springlike rhythm and the north wind blows from all sides. In the middle of this stand 8 curious musicians and dancers. In different natural elements they meet each other and themselves. In a playful, expressive and atmospheric performance, Villniss explores the relationship to nature and the change in the different seasons.

Villniss Dansekompani is one of the new players in scenic folk music and folk dance productions in Norway. Villniss was created as a result of a shared desire to explore the narrative in dance and music, and to challenge the coexistence of live music and dance on a stage.

Andreas S. Ljones
Silje Onstad Hålien
Torkjell L. Børsheim
Anders Lofberg
Tuva Faerden
Marit Midtli

Villniss Dance Company is a newcomer within the traditional music and dance productions in Norway, but the persons involved have lots of experience both individually and from different collaborations. The initiators behind Villniss are Silje Onstad Hålien (dancer) and Andreas Ljones (musician), known from FRIKAR and Majorstuen among others.



Ulrika Bodén with Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall


Unni Lovlid