Førdefestivalen takes the environment seriously, and has been an Environmental Lighthouse since 2013. In Førdefestivalen its strategic plan for 2020-2024 it says:

Førdefestivalen will be an ambitious environmental lighthouse

  • facilitate the ability of employees, artists, volunteers and the public to make environmentally friendly choices in connection with our events

  • avoid using resources that damage or deplete the environment

  • inspire and put pressure on our partners and suppliers to take climate and environmental issues seriously

As the Environmental Lighthouse takes Førdefestivalen environmental considerations in all areas of the festival's operations: working environment, waste management, energy use, transport, purchasing and aesthetics. Our goal is to meet the industry requirements set out in the Environmental Lighthouse certificate, and to show that we are actively addressing environmental issues.

Here are the keywords for our environmental focus:

  • We reduce the production of printed matter, and what we print is delivered by a printing company that is environmentally friendly. We sort waste at source in all arenas.

  • We have been using festival and sponsor banners for several years, and when they are replaced, old banners are delivered to other players for the production of bear nets, bags or other products.

  • Neither the festival nor its sponsors distribute any promotional items.

  • We are reducing the purchase of water bottles for artists and volunteers. Everyone is encouraged to bring their own bottle and fill it with tap water.

  • We want to reduce consumption, and produce festival t-shirts (for the audience) upon order.

  • We offer festival bikes to volunteers and the public.

  • We have a Førdefestivalmat project where catering establishments are encouraged to offer locally sourced food during the festival.

  • We do not use single-use plastic in the volunteer kitchen.

  • We offer extra fees for artists who choose to travel by public transport and not by plane.

  • We use electric cars.

  • Bus transportation to/from Førdehuset is included in tickets to concerts outside Førde .

  • We have waste sorting at all events. The sorting is well marked and easily accessible to the public.