Tip tip tue
These are the cast of Tippe tippe tue: From left: Malin Alander, Ole Nilssen, Ingric Schei Stuhaug, Tom Karlsrud and Marin Stallemo Bakke. Jeff Pedersen (center front) is the director. Photo: Espen Nyttingnes
Get acquainted with children's songs, games and rules from Western Norway
In this children's concert, we take as our starting point the rich and varied traditions we have of children's songs, games and rules in Western Norway. Here there will be both Tippe, tippe tue and other songs and games that will be known to many and unknown to others. Together with the five district musicians in folk music, we will frolic in Tippe, tippe tue, other cool songs, and refresh what the game was like before we got our own children's channels on TV, You Tube, Tik Tok and other entertainment offerings.
Participating performers and composers are Ole Nilssen (accordion, accordion, dulcimer), Malin Victoria Alander (vocals), Tom Karlsrud (accordion), Marin Stallemo Bakke and Ingrid Stuhaug (Harding fiddle). Direction: Jeff Pedersen.
Tippe tippe tue is a collaboration with Den Kulturelle Skule Sekken Vestland.