About people and time in the millennium city
Hilde Bjørkum in Førdefestivalen , Janne Karin Støylen at Rom for Ord, Grete Skaar Sunde at Jølster Library and Jølster priest Silje Sørebø are collaborating on the concert with TIDEKVERV and the literary evening session at Ålhus on Thursday, September 21st.
Bergsveinn Birgisson writes about the reading farmer. Just as we know him, especially from Ålhus where the oldest book club in the country was established in the rectory around 1890. We are inspired by his figures when we create literature houses in our own way around the villages. That the rectory's barns are the right place for a meeting with the Icelandic author, we are absolutely sure of it!
The head of the library at Jølster, Grete Skaar Sunde, invites you to a literary evening in the rectory after the concert "Tidekverv" in Ålhus church on Thursday, September 21st. - We think exactly the same way when we look for stages for our concerts, explains director Hilde Bjørkum in Førdefestivalen . This time we wanted to be in the church at Ålhus, it has a very nice atmosphere, good acoustics and it is quite large. But there is something else that tells us that we want to be here. A gut feeling, or an intuition perhaps? The concert "Tidekverv" honors time and the life that turns with it. The millennium city at Jølster is the right place for this concert, explains Hilde Bjørkum.
TIME ASSIGNMENT: Berit Opheim, Rolv Lislevand, Benedicte Maurseth and Håkon Mørch Stene - concert in Ålhus church on Thursday, September 21st.
Walkers, runners, lyre songs and newly composed beautiful ballads about the sun and the most essential things in our lives. Berit Opheim and Benedicte Maurseth's new folk music work will be performed around the spring equinox, summer solstice, autumn equinox and winter solstice. On Thursday 21 September, the autumn equinox concert in Ålhus will be held, and with them will be Rolf Lislevand on lute and electric guitar, and Håkon Mørch Stene on vibraphone, percussion and electronics.
Meet Bergsveinn Birgisson in the vicarage at Ålhus.
Bergsveinn Birgisson, together with Erlend Nødtvedt, has written the beautiful lyrics for the Tidekverv ballads. – Both in the ballads and in his writing, I experience that this theme recurs: He depicts people who have strong roots in their surroundings. Just as I have come to know the Jølster people. I am delighted by his lyrics, and I am very happy to talk to him at home in the rectory, smiles the parish priest in Jølster Silje Sørebø.
Around 1890, the then vicar of Jølster, Christian Astrup, took the initiative to create a reading group in Ålhus, and invited people to meet in the rectory’s stables, “Læseselskabet Ungdomshåbet”. The book group has taken on new names, and the meetings have taken place on the farms to this day. - Now it is time for the Ålhus book group to come to the rectory again, urges the literature-loving vicar.