The festival staff's festival trails


Here is what the director said:

Sleeping is something you can do another time, and eating is something you do a little bit in between – focus on fast and good FørdefestivalMat!
— Hilde Bjørkum, festival director

Son del Nene. Photo: Petra Kellner

Wednesday, July 4
5:30 p.m.: Opening of the festival exhibition: The Dance of Life – Everyday Life and Celebrations. Viking Youth Center
At 20.30: Son del Nene, Larris Scene

Fanfaraï Big Band, playing on Sommarnatt at Jølster. Photo: Selma Brd

Thursday, July 5
At 09.30: Førdekonferansen 2018, Scandic Sunnfjord Hotel
5:30 p.m.: På Geitevis – family show. Festsalen, Førdehuset
8:00 PM: Opening concert: Dance in the music - the music in the dance. Sports Hall, Førdehuset
At 23.00: Summer night at Jølster, Jølstramuséet

Cassie & Maggie. Photo: Ryan MacDonald

Friday, July 6
10:30 a.m.: Music in the City Center. Torgscena, Førde Square
11:30 a.m.: Meet the artist: Aynur. Exhibition Hall, Førdehuset
12:00: Marja Mortensson: Mojhtestasse. Sogn og Fjordane Art Museum
1:30 p.m.: Small Island Big Song. Theatre Hall, Førdehuset
At 15.00: INTRO people, semi-finals. Førde cultural school
4:30 p.m.: Silje Onstad Hålien: The old are the oldest. Great Hall, Førdehuset
7:30 p.m.: Flamenco – 4 women 4. Sports Hall, Førdehuset
9:00 PM: Non-stop dancing! The ballroom, Førdehuset
At 9.30pm: Op sweetest song - world premiere. Førde church
At 10.30pm: Cassie & Maggie. Spicy restaurant & bar
At 23.00: Friday party with 9 Degrees Nord and Fanfarai Big Band

Trio Lopez Petrakis. 

Saturday, July 7
8:30 a.m.: Festival breakfast, Festplassen
10:30 a.m.: Festival parade from Førdehuset to Førde Square
11:00 a.m.: Music in the city center. Square stage. Førde Square
At 14.00: Trio Lopez Petrakis Chemirani. The banquet hall, Førdehuset
3:30 p.m.: Fanfare Ciocarlia, Festplassen
5:00 PM: The Baroque Soloists - The Alehouse Sessions. Main Hall, Førdehuset
At 18.30: Dimitris Mystakidis - America. Theater hall, Førdehuset
8:30 p.m.: Festival Gala. Sports Hall, Førdehuset
10:30 PM: Nordic Club + Dance Party with Danyel Waro and Muchacho y Los Sobrinos. Scandic Sunnfjord Hotel.

The Sound of Astrup. Photo: Oddleiv Apneseth

Sunday, July 8
11:30 a.m.: The Sound of Astrup, Astruptunet
3:00 p.m.: Elida Almeida. Sports Hall, Førdehuset
5:00 PM: Cimbali Band. Sunnfjord Museum
At 18.00: Festival film: Our last tango. The lily hall, Førdehuset
8:00 PM: Volunteer party!! 😊 Scandic Sunnfjord Hotel


The event manager's list:

Victor is an event manager – of the sporty type, and will experience Førdefestivalen for the very first time. Here is his optimal route:  

Daniel Lazar and Almir Meskovic. 

Wednesday, July 4
Cycle to Halbrendstølen
5:00 PM: Concert with Daniel Lazar and Almir Meskovic
Cycle back down via Langeland – a great bike ride on the old postal road
Dinner and shower
At 8.30pm: Son del Nene, Larris Scene

Muchacho & Los Sobrinos, playing at the opening concert.

Thursday, July 5
11:00 a.m.: Free concert at Torgscena
12:30 PM: Festival exhibition in Viking
Late lunch – and/or maybe dinner, at Pikant
8:00 PM: Opening concert in Førdehuset
11:00 PM: Summer Night at the Jølstra Museum

Marja Mortensen. Photo: Jørn M. Kristensen

Friday, July 6
11:30 a.m.: Meet the artist Aynur in the Exhibition Hall, Førdehuset
12:00: Marja Mortenssen on the roof of the Art Museum
At 1.30pm: Small Island Big Song, Førdehuset
Lunch in the open air
4:00 PM: Meet the artist Small Island Big Song
7:30 p.m.: Flamenco - 4 women 4. Sports Hall, Førdehuset
At 10.30pm: Cassie & Maggie, Pikant

Anne Hytta. Photo: Ingvil Skeie Ljone

Saturday, July 7
12:00: Anne Hytta, Culture School. Spelemanspris winner in action!
At 14.00: Trio Lopez Petrakis Chemirani, Førdehuset
5:00 PM: The Baroque Soloists, Førdehuset
At 18.30: Majorstuen, Larris Stage
8:30 p.m.: Festival Gala, Førdehuset
At 22.30: Nordic Club, Scandic SH

Elida Almeida

Sunday, July 8
11:30 a.m.: The Sound of Astrup
3:00 p.m.: Elida Almeida
5:00 PM: Cimbali Band


Volunteer meeting Sunday, July 1st at 7:00 PM


Meeting with Bjarte Eike - A toast to joy & good music