Reiel Haugland new chairman of the board Førdefestivalen
Reiel Haugland has been appointed chairman of the board of Førdefestivalen .
Reiel Haugland has been appointed as the new chairman of the board of Førdefestivalen . He is the technology director at Sparebank1 Sogn og Fjordane, and a board member at Sunnfjord Utvikling. Reiel was raised with folk music and has participated in and volunteered at Førdefestivalen for long periods. Furthermore, he is generally concerned with diversity, and breaking down barriers and borders – and believes culture is a strong and important tool to achieve this. He is also passionate about creating activity, life and excitement in the city he lives in, Førde .
We asked him what he thought about being asked the board chairman question: - It was very simple. The answer was yes, immediately, not much to think about. Reiel has a long relationship with the festival, and has many memories of the music and cultures he has encountered: - It was on Førdefestivalen I heard Irish traditional music live for the first time. It left an impression. I also remember the Masai people, who jumped high. Incredibly exotic, he says. And throat singing. It was probably Inuit, I think. Special and very captivating!
Regarding the future of the festival, the new board chairman says: I will of course be interested in the festival developing and renewing itself, but what we do must always be based on its strengths and the solid foundation that has been built over the years. New audiences, new arenas, new channels. It is endless what is possible in the years to come!
Reiel Haugland takes over the board of directors in Førdefestivalen after Arne Osland, former development director and now teacher at UWC Red Cross Nordic in Flekke. He was chairman of the board from 2019.