Tone Winje new chairman of the board Førdefestivalen

Tone Winje - Photo: Theodor Karlsen

Tone Winje has been appointed as the new chairman of the board of directors of Førdefestivalen for the period 2017–2018.

– There is a very competent candidate who is now taking over the position of chairman of the board of directors for Førdefestivalen after Kristin Hille Valla, who has been the chairwoman of the board since 2009. We in the committee are very happy that she took on the challenge, says chair of the main committee for industry and culture, Karen Marie Hjelmeseter.

Soft cultural experience

– I have a heart that beats for the festival, says Tone Winje herself about why she chose to accept the position.

Winje has held several key positions and positions of trust in Norwegian music and cultural life over the past 30 years. She has worked at music publishers, NRK, the Norwegian Academy of Music and the National Concerts. In the period 2011–2015 she was director of the Festival of Northern Norway. She has since been a senior advisor to the Norwegian Arts Council. On 1 January 2017, Winje will take over as principal of the cultural school in Moss.

In addition to Winje, the main committee for industry and culture has also appointed Ivar Svensøy and Gunn Åmdal Mongstad as board members for the festival for this period. The rest of the board members are appointed by Førde municipality (one member) and the festival's supervisory board (three members). 


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