The debate of the day-to-day life on Førdefestivalen / FolkJazzScena January 24th!
-Get ready for a laugh, a mix of horror and joy, and a few aha moments about your own laziness, writes about the screening Døgeniktenes Debatt, which is the first event at Førdefestivalen say FolkJazzScena in 2017.
Behind the performance are two of our best halling dancers, Vetle Springgard and Ådne Kolbjørnshus, well known from several of FRIKAR's performances on Førdefestivalen . The two wanted to save the world, but ended up as folk dancers - and night owls! Now they have created a show where they philosophize about what they should have spent their lives doing... and what they have spent their time on. In the Night Owls' Debate, the two get to show off many of their talents, but not least it's about dancing of the highest order! The musician is Erlend Apneseth.
The women's debate premiered in the fall of 2016, and created great excitement at the industry meeting Folkelarm in November!
About the show
The two were born in their own valleys, just months apart. Born into safe surroundings on farms, where solid, old values were the foundation – to parents who had seen their own lives accelerate into a new and exciting decade where completely new technology would amaze and turn everyday life upside down. On each side, in different ways, the children witnessed their good lives. And what became of them?
They were starving!
The night owls want to give the world the right medicine for its ailments. They admit that they have great talents that they are unable to do anything with. Besides, it is uncomfortable to be in charge of something, and what about time?
The debate of the day-olds is a partially improvised performance with dance and dialogue around themes that the performers, Vetle Springgard and Åde Kolbjørnshus, are interested in. The musician is Erlend Apneseth.
The show is a collaboration between Førdefestivalen and Førdehuset The idea comes from Vetle Springgard and Ådne Kolbjørnshus, and the performance is produced in collaboration with Riksscenen.