In "Or Setesdal", Kim Rysstad has collected some of his favorite songs taken from the unique and diverse Setesdal tradition. Kim is one of the few tradition bearers who help to keep the vocal folk music from Setesdal alive and pass it on to new generations. In this book with CD you will be introduced to the sources Kim has learned from, a brief introduction to what kveding is, as well as a small overview of the different genres that are represented.
Kim Rysstad is a Spellemann-nominated, award-winning A-class songwriter, lyricist and composer from Rysstad in Setesdal. With his unique voice deeply rooted in folk music, he has been noticed by music lovers far beyond the country's borders.
" I'm looking forward to coming back to Førde , where I have had many great concert experiences, especially at Førdefestivalen "I know there's a really good audience there."
-Kim Rysstad
Kim Rysstad - vocals
Trym Bjønnes - guitars
Ånon Egeland - violin
About Setesdal:
"A clear 6!"
.- NRK Southern Norway
"The result has been a unique package of soft singing and sparse instrumentation that sneaks into every nook and cranny of the sensory apparatus."
At the same time, you will receive an understandable basic course in vocal folk music and the Setesdal way of doing it.
"He is one of the country's absolute finest singers who lets his instrument embrace us almost velvetily"
- The Norwegian newspaper
"Not since Arve Moen Bergset released Arvesølv in 1987 have I heard such a clear vocal performance of old folk songs as here. The winemakers Sondre Bratland and Ingeborg Bratland can only apologize."
- Our Country