The Festival Pass - a guide!
The festival pass scheme on Førdefestivalen is a bit special, and here is a detailed explanation of what the festival pass includes - whether you are an adult, student, youth or child.
With a festival pass you buy tickets to five concerts at once, namely these five:
· Opening concert: On the run! - Thursday (Sports Hall)
· Mother Karbasi - Friday (Sports Hall)
· Federspiel - Saturday afternoon (Festplassen)
· Festival Gala - Saturday evening (Sports Hall)
· La Bottine Souriante - Sunday (Sports Hall)
With a festival pass you also get a BIG DISCOUNT on all other concerts and courses.
Example: Festival night on Saturday costs NOK 360,-, with a festival pass you only pay NOK 220,-
There is one exception to the pass discount this year: the lunch concert with Noency Mosquera & El Bongo de Bojayá from Colombia.
STUDENTS and YOUTH (14-20 years) NOK 460,-
Pay NOK 460 for the festival pass, which is still valid for the five concerts above. AND - if you have bought it, you only pay NOK 50 to get into other concerts. It's almost ridiculously cheap.
NB! You must show your student ID to purchase a festival pass, and at the entrance to the concert.
CHILDREN under 14 years NOK 200,-
A regular children's ticket to the concerts at the festival costs only NOK 50,-, so there is no additional discount with a festival pass. This is just a practical arrangement for parents who have purchased a festival pass.